Relieve your loadshedding stress at the range!

Relieve your loadshedding stress at the range!

We invite you to relieve your loadshedding stress at the range. No worries about power cuts at Marksman’s Nest because you’ll be out in the open air. Nevermind the important fact that shooting teaches you how to protect yourself, it also happens to relieve stress. And we’re all rather stressed right now - what with more than 100 days of continual power cuts and all. Both experienced shooters and beginners can benefit from this stress relief at the range.

Killing stress

Stress is a chemical reaction in the brain. But the excitement of shooting a gun at Marksman’s Nest will soon nip your stress right in the bud. It works like this: shooting targets requires intense focus. So, no time to dwell on all the other stressors in your life. Better yet, this focus increases your mental clarity. You may not have thought so, but target shooting is quite a physically demanding skill. When standing and aiming, you engage stabiliser muscles that you’ve never used before. In particular, your lower back and abdominal muscles will get a workout during a shooting session. And as you know, this type of physical workout is a first-class stress reliever. Also bear in mind that shooting forces you to breathe deeply, because only then will your shot be accurate. Therefore, when your breathing slows, your concentration becomes pin-sharp. That means, no time to think about stress.

Social support

Apart from all the foregoing, the interaction with other shooters and your instructor is simply a top-notch social experience too. With all this hobnobbing, there’s no time to be a bore venting your anger and frustration about loadshedding. Instead, you can relieve your loadshedding stress at the range and have a laugh about it.

Join now

If you’ve never been to a shooting range before, there’s no time like the present to visit and join the range. And those who already have guns, will feel even more confident after learning the skills to use it correctly and effectively.